Monday, April 2, 2007

Oh we're movin' on up... the eastside. To a deluxe apartment, in the sky -eye-eye.

Yep, folks, after 6 months of talking about it, I finally moved to beautiful Boise!! It's hard to believe the time has actually arrived. It seemed like it was going to take forever and a day when the time would come, then all of a sudden-boom, it's here.

One thing I've learned through this is that it pays to have lots of large, muscular friends when you move. Which was the case on one end of the move, but not on the other.

It's been over a month since I've posted on this blog, and for good reason. I've been busy, damn it! But now that the move is behind me, I'm Baaackkkk! And I've missed you all terribly.

Let me tell you a little about my move. The first thing, I had 3 dogs. Yes, I said 3, and a cat. This wasn't going to work. No apartment in the world was going to accept me AND my entire brood. Also, having dogs that bark a lot makes selling your home nearly impossible. So, sadly I had to find a home for 2 of my dogs. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing since the two I gave up were Miniature Pinschers. If you've ever owned one or known anyone who has, you'll understand that last comment. They are ridiculously hard to house train. I got so tired of stepping in dog pee I could've screamed. They are also very high strung and bark a lot. All things that potential landlords just love-- no doubt. And my wonderful ex, being the responsible, caring individual that he is, just up and left me with all 3 dogs. So, after much deliberation, and sadness, I put an ad in the paper for a good home for them. Luckily, I found one that wanted both dogs- what a blessing (well for me anyways, I don't think the new owners really knew what they were getting into, or *stepping* into, so to speak.)

That horrible deed being done, I decided to try to sell my home- by owner. What a stupid mistake. I figured I had to at least try before succumbing to spending $8000 for a realtor. I gave myself 1 month to give it a try. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I don't believe that most Realtors do anything to earn that kind of money, but the truth is, after 1 month I had shown my house to only 3 potential buyer. I hired a realtor and the house sold in 1 week. Trust me, I learned my lesson on this one!

Once the house sold, I had to finally "face the music" and tell my boss I was quitting. I promised her 60 days notice. This wasn't exactly what I wanted to do but the world of banking is a very small and somewhat vindictive one. Not wanting to burn any bridges, I submitted to this request and agreed to help find and train my replacement. Ughh!

It's funny how the past 6 months seemed to drag on relentlessly. Especially since Tim and I had been trying to make our relationship work while living 300 miles apart. Weekend trips back and forth every 2- 3 weeks was really hard. Thank goodness we live in the technology age and we've been able to communicate virtually every day since we met, 1 year ago, through text messaging, email, and phones.

The sale of my house seemed to accelerated the pace of things for me 10 fold. I suddenly went from having FOREVER to wait to not having any time at all. Since I had given 60 days notice, and most houses close in 30-45 days, I knew I'd have to figure out where I'd live for a while. I also had to find an apartment in Boise as well. Which turned out to be easier than I thought it would be. I found a great 2 bedroom place that suits me and my pets.

But, what about that 3-4 week gap where I still had to work at my old job with no home? Well this is where things get interesting.

I was invited to assist with a merger of a bank our company bought in Utah. I was asked to stay in Utah for 2 and 1/2 weeks to assist them. Ahh darn. A free hotel room for nearly 3 weeks. "Ahh Shoot, I guess if I have to, I'll make the sacrifice!" That covered a few weeks of homelessness for me. The rest, the last 2 weeks, I'll be staying with friends. Whew! That was tough.

Then came the actually move itself. I thought, "I can do this on my own- how tough can it be?" I got online and rented my Uhaul, called a couple of friends and "called in my chips" (well really I threatened them all that if they didn't help me I'd break down and actually call my Ex to help me. It's amazing how well that worked!) And I rented my new apartment so that I could move all my things in before I left for Utah.

The moving day came and I picked up my Uhaul. It looked so much smaller in person than on the web. I figured it had to be the right size, that the Internet would never lie. The website said this truck would fit a 3-4 room house. I have no concept of space, and how much of it my stuff takes up. I knew that moving from a 1600 sq ft home to an 1100 sq st home would be an adjustment. I had 2 whole sets of "living room" furniture since I had a family room and a living room in my house. I gave my very expensive formal living room furniture to Goodwill, so I didn't have a ton of stuff-- so I thought. After loading up half the truck it became glaringly apparent that everything was NOT going to fit. Too late to get another truck, so at the last minute, we unloaded the only Sofa I had planned to bring with me and carted it off to the dump. Even with that, I still had some things that just flat wouldn't fit on the truck. It was so full, I was afraid to open it when I got to Boise. Yikes!

Just to make things slightly more challenging (since I do love a challenge!) the apartment I rented is on the 3rd floor. I moved box after box up those damned steps. I thought I was going to die! Luckily Tim had a few big friends who could help for just a few hours with the real heavy stuff, so I didn't have to try to lug my TV and larger furniture up, but still it was back breaking labor. Something this banker does not do often or well.

It felt like I would never get it all done, but then suddenly, it was. It felt so strange to finally be moved in to my new home in Boise. This being not only a new home for me, but a new city and state for that matter. And after ALL these months of thinking and planning and pining, it was done! What now? I suddenly felt useless--but in an *oh so wonderful* way!

Now I sit in Utah, writing this post, so proud of myself for being so independent and able to do things on my own. Knowing that a world of greatness awaits me in only a few more weeks. What I thought would be an absolutely impossible task was done. And *I* did it! It's so gratifying.

And now I literally live in an apartment in the sky! Ohh I'm movin' on up.......Now if I could only get the "Mr. Jefferson" strut down.....

Invitation! If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in ! Come in! ~Shel Silverstein