Sunday, September 9, 2007

Endless Love

I am truly inspired! I witnessed this weekend something that I just wasn't sold on anymore. The concept? That love can endure. It can thrive even after hurt, anger, time and space. If tended properly it can even flourish.
This weekend I had the honor of being in the wedding of my two best friends in Denver. I have known both the bride and groom for over 14 years and have weathered many hardships with them both. I met them first as a couple in an explosive relationship. It involved many nights where the bride would end up on my doorstep because they'd had a fight and she was moving out. We even once caught the groom with his "hand in the cookie jar" so to speak. They stayed together through several years of this but finally broke up.
While the bride moved to Denver, the groom stayed behind and we became very close friends. It felt strange at first, listening to the bride talk about her new love interest, the groom talking about his and as time went on (4 years actually) I almost got used to them being apart.
But, as life would have it, a day came when the bride, while visiting me, would run into the groom and they would hit it off again immediately.
Fast forward 4 more years to last night. The wedding. The groom blubbered worse than I did and the bride was glowing. These two are truly happy and in love. They've been together- off and on- for 16 years and they still can't get enough of each other. It made my heart smile to see it.
I've been a little jaded lately about whether love can really endure. Since my divorce, I've wondered if people are destined to cycle through partners their whole life and if love is just fleeting, at best. I sure hope not. And after this weekend, I'm open to the possibility of endless love. And I'm also hopeful of it's promise.


BillyWarhol said...

Amazing Story*

i remember doing a Breakup + going down to see an old Love of mine from University daze*

Sadly when i walked in + saw the Dusty Rose + Pink Valances i knew we'd grown Miles Apart*



In Ink said...

Marriage is just the first step on the road to divorce :(

Tulip said...

billywarhol- Thanks for stopping by! *Sigh* is right. Love is a difficult beast to manage.
Ink- I sure wonder sometimes. Is divorce inevitable? It was with my first marriage :)

Invitation! If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in ! Come in! ~Shel Silverstein