Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"I Can't Believe I Ate the WHOLE Thing!"

I have to admit, I've eaten more fast food in the past year than in my entire life. I can count on my hands the number of times I've eaten at McDonald's or Burger King or Taco Bell. In fact when I was 17 I got my first job ever at a Burger King. I quit 3 hours after my shift started!

They put my out on the cash register the minute I started and basically told me to "figure it out." Not that it was too tough-- If you've ever worked fast food you know that they make the cash registers with pictures so you don't even need to know how to read to work there. The problem for me was, I had no idea what Burger King served! I had no idea what a BK Broiler was (this experience was made even better since you had to call out over the microphone/PA system what the order was so that everyone knew my ignorance, not just my fellow employees.) Needless to say, I (luckily) was not destined for the Fast Food career path!

Recently though, I've come to utilize the convenience of fast food quite abit. I absolutely LOVE to cook, and I'm darn good at if I don't say so myself. But I can't seem to get excited about cooking for one. Hence, in comes Burger King.

I work alot of hours, typically 50- 60 a week. Last night as I drove by the local BK at 7:45pm I thought "I'll just run through the good ol' BK drive-thru and pick up some dinner." As I drove away from the drive-thru window with my purchase, I opened the bag and started munching on the french fries. What I should say is "crunch" not munch. The fries, though very hot, were almost as crisp as a potatoe chip.

When I got home, I took out my Whopper Jr and unwrapped it. It certainly did not look anything like the big, juicy cheese burger they pictured on the outdoor menu. If fact it was about 1/2 a centimeter tall on one side and and an incch and a half on the other. When I removed the top bun, I saw that all the condiments were stacked very neatly on one side of the cheese burger. Now, I realize that the title "Fast Food" means that they only have a short time to prepare the food before their customers begin to complain, but how much extra time can it take to spread the condiments out over the tiny burger patty? Really?

I don't recommend pulling this concoction of sub-standard meat, bread, and cheese-product apart to look inside. When I did, the flimsy bread of the bun disintergrated in my hand. By the time I put it back together it resembled something like Frankenstein's Monster. The meat just slid out the side of the bun and the condiments that I had tried so diligently to spread out evenly on the burger patty, squirted out the back.

As I was eating this "thing" I thought, how could they serve this garbage and stay in business? But I quickly reminded myself that I, like so many others now a days, am just way too busy to even think about cooking, let alone do it. So the convenience factor weighed in heavily on my decision to go to BK. And furthermore, it did only cost me $4.92 for a Whopper Jr, large fry, and a large soda. Pretty cheap, even for crap.

So until you can go to say, PF Chang's and get dinner for $4.92 in less than 5 minutes in a drive-thru, I will probably go to Burger King again. Or McDonalds or Wendy's; maybe even Taco Bell.

Oh, and yes, I ate the WHOLE thing.


Dan said...

You sure can't beat the convenience of fast food, nor can you beat how terrible it is! I go to BK about once every six months when I get a hankering for those fries ... and being a vegetarian I always get the BK Veggie.

I really enjoyed this post and congratulate you for spending no more than 3 hours in the fast food industry. ;)

Tulip said...

Yes, it's quite an accomplishment, getting out-- almost like leaving the mafia!! Thanks Dan 8*)

Invitation! If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in ! Come in! ~Shel Silverstein