Thursday, January 11, 2007

"We Put the Lime in the Coconut...."

What Happens When You Have... 1) Nothing to do 2) A sharp knife 3) A large lime 4) A patient cat 5) Too much tequila 6) And it's football season?

**(This one might warrant using the "Tragic Mutual Incomprehension" phrase !!)


Unknown said...

Aaaah, torturing cats by making them wear funny hats. (At least it's torture to them) Is there anything better about being a cat owner? We have this great shot of my big cat wearing a Santa hat with a clear unhappy expression. Awesome.

iz said...

I'm taking this picture to my hairdresser. This is EXACTLY the look I want. Colour and everything!

Tulip said...

There are definitely some days that I feel like this is what my hair looks like! I'm sure my expression matches as well :) Thanks for dropping into my world IZ!
DD- I don't have any kids, and becuase of that pesky HR department, I can't torture my employees. Cats make for a great release instead! I'd love to see that Santa picture /:D

Invitation! If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in ! Come in! ~Shel Silverstein